Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Ridiculously long-lasting gum!

Chocolate is the number one treat to give to trick-or-treaters. Gum is the third most popular Halloween treat according to National Confection Association. Sugarless gum sales grew 9.9%. NCA’s Susan Fussell proclaims “It’s a shining star right now”. On Halloween, the Cadbury Adams marketer handed out nearly 100 boxes of their new Stride gum, a sugarless gum Cadbury flaunts as having “ridiculously long-lasting flavor”.
Drew, executive Vice president in marketing explains that the number one complaint of gum chewers is that the flavor just doesn’t last long enough..”Stride was born out of that fact”. Stride is promoted with dry witty commercials by JWT, New York. Cleverly, the ads began on June 21 –the longest day of the year. The ads’ setting is basically in a workplace that looks like the set of the NBC comedy The Office. Drew admits “Rather than just saying our gum lasts longer, we almost created a sitcom!” We think that Stride producers used key elements to produce a successful advertising model; they aren’t too bold or too passive.
Younger consumers agree, according to results of Ad track, USA TODAY”s weekly poll. 22% of 18-24 year olds give the ads top ratings. Stride has built a 2.4% market share and helped increase Cadbury’s overall share to 31.6%, up three points. A contest on their website,, even invites everyone to come up with their own marketing to boost sales. They have the essential flavors like new sweet peppermint, winterblue, and spearmint. However, they do need to find more clever ways to promote their gum to fight competition like Orbit’s mint mojito flavored gum.

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